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Poem 7

This 4th of July is disturbing to me. So, I cried. I tried making sense of it all as I found myself:
He tasted sea salt
Somehow feeling nothing
Feet and legs overhead
Noise was awful

Poem 8

I was making popcorn the other night. It gave me opportunity to express much that I have learned from a lifetime of believing what I was taught about God before I began to listen to what He was telling me in my spirit.
Deep inside His skillet
The searing heat swells
It is a hell of sorts
The only hell
He ever made

Poem 14

Add this as well and make sure the inner pages are also working.
Let me kiss your tears
Salty as the endless sea
Let me drink your sadness
To make room for
Your future gladness

Poem 15

Try Not To Hate
Do not despise If you wish to rise There is a place Where you belong Where you are not wrong To love.......
Though the journey is long
And the shades of night
Are dark.

Poem 16

Hard To Believe
It is hard to believe And, therefore.Receive A love so great
That it covers every failing,
Perfects all things.
Making the desires of the heart
Faith is given,

Poem 17

Sadness welcomes a lift For surely it wishes a Return to joy.
Sadness welcomes a lift
For surely it wishes a
Return to joy.

Poem 18

When it's a conversation and not a prayer
A prayer is for far away
A prayer is for far away
A conversation is for close
Where you want to be

Poem 25

It will not be the whispers
With a loved one
As you lay dying
It will not be with Peter.

Poem 27

Many Christians are
Sidelined by design.
Has God put them there

Poem 28

I think of Him
In the manger
Where He Lay
Midst cows and hay.

Poem 29

Little Wooden Blocks
You pile the little blocks
Of your early life
Making them tall

Poem 31

Praying For Peace
I pray for peace
In my little spot

Poem 32

The Calm Behind The Music
Listen for the quiet
Calming sounds

Poem 33

I look yonder with
Mud in my eye
I have dug my

Poem 38

Goliath Goes To Church
He wasn't smart
Nor was he pretty

Poem 39

Oh, Master Dispenser of Grace!
It is like a wave so high
Yet does not slam us

Poem 40

A Prayer For Everything
Let your balm
Bleed forth into

Poem 41

Hard not to notice
Nor was he pretty

Poem 15

To my friends here. I wrote this while listening to the Christmas concert an my wife’s school. Our celebration of Christmas with all its joy is so dissonant with the pain and suffering in this world. I never get used to it. I am sure it will never be resolved except by the ultimate coming of Christ too us all.......
Holds all
Cares for all
Knows all
Times all



It is like a wave so high

Yet does not slam us

Into the sand

It almost tickles

It sets us in a state of joy

When we are in a painful way

As we stray from the hope of

That great come and get it day

Like good news

In today’s paper or

A great golf shot

Leaving us to wonder

How we pulled it off

Like a State Trooper

Walking away from our car

With no ticket in hand

And our numb, tingling

Vacuum of joy

It is that feeling 

From nowhere

We didn’t ask for

Or deserve

Like a seat left

For us in reserve

It is like a complement

Or look that says

We’re pretty

Like a shock

We hope is 

Not a crock

It is unexpected joy

That when it comes

Opens our eyes

To the beautiful things

In our view

God knows what to do

At times when we are blue

He is the master dispenser

Of Grace to me and you

Poem 4

A Prayer for Enemies Who Should Be Friends                

          We really show no signs of bending do we…..

Or humbling ourselves before God……

I think He is showing us both where we are really at……

I think He is calling us to step aside from our pride….

He’s smiling, maybe chuckling…..

He knows we both think we are right but He has all the wisdom…..

He could stand before each of us right now and burn holes through our arguments…….

He could flatten each of us with the truth…….

The truth we

Don’t want to hear because it would ruin our strongest points….

Maybe He is talking to our Guardian angels 

Right now……

They have watched us from the beginning….

Perhaps they have discussed us in our darkest moments…..

When we made them sad….

I think of God, leaning toward each of them

And whispering……

We can’t hear Him….

Do you wonder what 

He is saying….?

We will have to wait for His next move……

That is the best We can 

Do right now…..

Looking at what we did in the past tells me……

We are in no condition to make the next move……

We’d better wait on Him.


Poem 7


I picture a great satellite

Circling the earth

Scanning it for faith

In its various stages…

Faith’s beginning

Is blackness.

The brain’s analytics 

Scan for it,

Finding nothing.

Satellite readings:


Then comes the rumors.

Clouds mixed with curiosity

Always someone pushing

          The story.

Santa lasts for a decade

Or so, with a cadre

Of minor players:

Easter bunny, tooth fairy,

Card tricks and lines of 

Magicians taunting us

To believe.

Satellite readings:

Silent but for 

A crackle.

There are credible stories

Taunting the analytical

Minds of billions:

Cancer gone, prayers

Seemingly answered.

The stories of ancient


The tales of old wives.


Satellite readings:

Loud static. Then silence.


The constant is hardly noticed:

We want to believe.

Waiving off our mind’s eye

We taste the taunt 

Of dreams beyond 

what we can see.


We find ourselves 

Retelling stories

Always finding audience

Keeping the reality of 

Doubt at bay.


Satellite readings:

A din of unnerving



Then cometh the inevitable

Suffering of life.

Faith is bitch slapped

By waives of disappointment,

Gut pain that lasts for years.


Inevitably someone puts

Their god front of us

Assuring us that 

Their god is God.


It is then that even

The strongest of 

Those whose desire

To believe 

Reject the stories,

The promises.


Satellite readings:

Unexplained return of 

Silence. Is there any faith 

on the earth?


Easter Sunday Morning.

Millions remember,

Quietly doubting,

Yet quietly assenting

With the other doubters.


This is the ultimate

Perfect answer. 

Only the hurt,

The badly broken

And the old.

Only those who 

Haven’t lived long enough,

Or loved completely,

Or forgiven those who 

Made them suffer

Can actually desire.



The perfect answer.

The only right answer.

It hangs there in front

Of us,

Hopelessly wanting it

With no proof to satisfy

Our want. 


Satellite reading:

Major Tom taps to see 

If the faith monitor 

Is working

Or is it dead.


Jesus, the Risen One,

Your believers persist.

Some of them would

Make me believe!


What is it

That keeps them 

Afloat as  the most

Of us are sinking.


How have they

Broken the bondage,

Found the cloud of Faith

On which they float?


Satellite reading: 

Sudden brilliant flashes

Of light. 

Brilliant hues, colors



Then silence.


The earth still awaits

The final


One day all will know.


For now, only those 

Called early 

Truly get it.


No satellite can read 

The timing of 

True faith’s coming.

Yet come it will.


There is no other 

Perfect answer. 

No one but Jesus

Promised it.

You shall see

And believe.

Poem 10

This 4th of July is disturbing to me. So, I cried. I tried making sense of it all as I found myself:


Sleeping With Dead Soldiers


He tasted sea salt

Somehow feeling nothing.

Feet and legs overhead

Noise was awful.


This one, he saw 

his blood.

It hurt so bad.

Then, the scream.



Another never saw

A black man

Before boot camp.

Russell, he liked him,

Was dying..


Broken and blood red

He ran to Russell

Just in time to see his

Last breath lift to heaven.


Then he fell on top

And their blood met.

Joined forever as

They left.


Nam was different

He took his last drag

From the barrel

Of his gun


Back home and safe

We turned on the TV

He clutched his radio

As they dropped him

Into hell.


He was swarmed

By angry little men.

Could he see their

Grandchildren sewing?

Could he see his nephews

Wearing T shirts

Made in Viet Nam?


This morning of fourths

So close to the end

Of it all

I lay with them

In their graves



We wait for life

Again here.

Yet we long to hear

What is going on

Above our unseen longing.


What is this we hear?

Fighting and fire.

Men in uniform Like them

Shot, blood red, 

By the friendly fire

Of hate.


Black women screaming

“My life matters!!“

Russell bled on his way

To heaven.

No one questioned

That he mattered.


Another cries, “reparations!”

“For what you did

You bastard Slave masters!”

“I want the money they took.”

And comfort money can’t give.


I feel the wincing of my friends

As we lay together

In the unseen.

Dead heroes, not making

Sense if it.

We are dead. They are angry.


It seems we are 

Better off dead.

We have our hope 

We can rest in it.


I, uncomfortable

In the company of 


Dead but alive,

God! They aren’t 

Much older than 17!


And I, 75,

Still alive

Am honored 

In this moment of 

waiting with them.


We are of one mind

Here in the unseen world.

We wait

We cannot scream

Anymore here.


Up there they fight

Over the past

We, down here,

We know there is hope.

They only see their 



Jack Johnson sings

“Upside Down”

In our ears.

“Is this the way

It’s supposed to be?”

Poem 18

If the truth be told, I am a writer, Poetry is what flows most freely from inside.

Here is some of it:


Baby Steps


We wish to jump, to fly, to gobble life up with 

A passion. 

Do not be so foolish.

You are called to make your mark

While you are here.


Not by giant leaps

Not by a walk of 

Newsreel greatness. We humans

Must start with

Baby steps.


Mark your steps

Not with the wobbly insecurity of a babe. 

Though your steps be small

May they be taken 

As a believer.


Believe you have been given

A purpose uniquely suited 

To the gifts God has given you.

Though shrouded deep in your soul

Your purpose will become clear

One baby step at a time.



You desire a dance that only you can do.

It is in you. It is in you.

It longs to tell you that you

Need not Fred Astaire, nor any famed one

To teach you your dance.


Take baby steps within the unknown.

Let them be 

Simply steps!

Embrace the mystery.


Who purposed your purpose?

Who saw the dance that beckons you?

Who saw you in that dance?

Who created it knowing it was yours?

God Himself!


Your steps

Will be met by the artful arms of a creative spirit 

Not the scorning eye of a taskmaster.

You are held and balanced.

You are believed in.


Take those tiny steps however small.

Dare not value them lest you undervalue them.

Whatever you think, your imaginings 

Cannot express even

A shadow of the true worth 

You hold within you.

Again. Do it again. Again now.

And again.

Step by baby



The steps in your mind

Ask to flow in certainty.

They ask you to embody them.

Though not yet perfected

The bold steps of perfection 

Will come.


Glide now in your belief

As you take another step.

Though these first steps 

May feel frail

They are not.


They are your belief in action.

They are your eternal hope for a real life.

They are your love longing to kiss life itself.


Stay a believer in the small steps!

Take one and then another.

Put away past fears. 

See now that fear is a robber and a thief.


Live no longer one giant step from a miracle.

Embrace your small steps in anticipation.

You know in your heart of

A longing for your dance among the stars.


Now live it!

Not in gulps

One baby step at a time!

Poem 2

I was thinking of pilots flying home a cross the channel after a bombing run:


Bomb Bay


I shouldn’t have taken off

With such Bravado

Fuel is plenty

When you are twenty


Our bombs are dropped away

We have closed the bomb bay

I see the shore line

My engines are not fine


I want to dine

I need some wine

I want to sleep

But the water is deep


I am still a youth

That’s the truth

I still say

I want to live another day


How old should one be to die?

I would rather fly

I need more fuel

Not this duel

With death


If we make it

I will tell my kids

You were a few drops

Of gas away

From never seeing this day


The young have not wisdom

They are driven

By futile forces

Learning to pray


That is what I will say

I prayed that day

That I’d see you today

And teach you to pray My Dance With God

Poem 5

I think you may have this one….


It’s never too late:


To take a slower more authentic road

To follow your own bent

To have courage when you are passed by

To smile when the setback comes

To remember God is always there

To find happiness in Memories

To cool your jets and hedge your bets 

To smile just because you’re alive 

To give your smile away today

To enjoy your path and feel no wrath

To expect a perfect ending

To pray the prayer of the humble

To have the thankfulness of a beggar 

To rejoice in the good fortune of others

To always expect love from above

To let it flow through you

To believe love never fails

To believe love is endless

To know the workings of love such that you turn it on wherever you are.


It is never to late.

Poem 8

Poem about hands trying to find their purpose……




Patty cake bakery

Baker man!

You use flour

We, only our hands


Here’s the church

Here’s the steeple

Open the door 

And see all the people.


Hands for play

Are the children’s

All day.

See the little hands grow.


Hands for holding,

Connecting our hearts

As we skip and sway

Holding rope to jump

Our little hearts pump

As older folks look on.


Then to school 

Hands hold their

First tool.

The golden rule 

Crafting letters

Spelling out our days


Crayons, our delight,

Take away the fright

Of growing, 

Gliding us down

Rainbows to pots 

Of gold!


Some hands learn 

to lead,

Others are better

At loving 

The noblest of hands

Are the ones that heal.


All kinds of poverty

Teach innocent hands

To fight

Awaiting the gracious

Hands that heal

While striving for 

Their right

Searching for the light


Praying hands of 

The Older ones

Pray unceasingly

For the children

For love slipping away


Let thy hands be grace

With fingers like lace

Covering a broken world 

With healing and beauty

For a better day.

Poem 11

I was making popcorn the other night. It gave me opportunity to express much that I have learned from a lifetime of believing what I was taught about God before I began to listen to what He was telling me in my spirit. 


Popcorn Jesus


Deep inside His skillet

The searing heat swells

It is a hell of sorts 

The only hell

He ever made.


Hell with a purpose

Hell to be thankful for

Hell with a burn

Hell that makes us turn 


Away from self

Off that shelf

That keeps us 

Luke warm.

Spit not worthy

Of His lips.


Some say He saves people

Some say He sends some

To hell forever.

Some say He is

Meek and mild.


I remember once

He was hot 

And wild.

Temple money changers 

Knew to scatter.


Jesus ain’t no

Hell bent savior

Jesus is a people


He knows we are

As a kernel of corn.


We are worn 

In confusion

Prone to


Desperately in need

Of a holy fusion.


He knows 

how to get us

How to sweat us

How to fret us

Until we learn to win.


Even the dullest

Of us

Who think we

Choose Him

Finally awaken.


When the heat

Gets its hottest

Breathing its heaviest

Quiet its loudest

No air is left.


Then, pop!

Then another

Then many, many



We thought we only

Needed the sinners prayer.

Told to take control

Make salvation happen.

We didn’t need his heat

Nor His blazing skillet.


Many a hardened 

Kernel thinks it

Long ago jumped 

Out of the fire as

The magic Words

Were spoken.


They never yet

Have met

The popper God

The pop corn Jesus.

All do, all will

In His time

Not ours.

Poem 13

I don’t know what I think of the fear. 

I have always felt comfortable 

near the edge of “doin right”.


The end of life got my father 

15 years earlier than I am. 

I have watched the vibrant, 

the loving 

and the so much alive 

pass in the blink of an eye.


Do I deserve the more I have?

It’s a silly question. 

I find afraid is 

An imposter.


So I step into silent forces

Each day unawares

Being willing to be surprised

Or calmed

Or satisfied.


Even to whisper

Final words Like

James Dean’s


“We’re not going to

Make it.”


Not even knowing

The mess 

He just made.


I am willing to sleep

In the arms of a God

I cannot comprehend,


I care not about 

My tiny last step.

I have have had

so many

Greater ones.

Poem 16

To my friends here. I wrote this while listening to the Christmas concert an my wife’s school. Our celebration of Christmas with all its joy is so dissonant with the pain and suffering in this world.

I never get used to it.

I am sure it will never be resolved except by the ultimate coming of Christ too us all……. 


Christmas Glory


Sounds of Christmas are

Ringing now. Singing now.


Bright lights in a row

Define our villages.

Glittering trees on 

The hill for all to see.


A time of best dress

And foot forward 

The best one

Of course.


I do not oppose

The Joy but I wonder 

If we have stolen it.

No, we are but a precursor.


Under a bridge

Near icy waters

The steely wind blows

Freezing them.


Across our towns

And villages

Hidden like ghosts

They Fleet,

The flotsam

And jetsam, our

Extended family.


Nary one of us

Dare to go there

With our Christmas 

Hells bells.


Our bells are Hells bells 

To them.

Their Christmas

Delight does not toll

For them. with them.


The forlorn

Who know not how 

To read the notes

Of Christmas joy 

nor feel them.


To them our Joy

Is an unknown 

Or forgotten


Ripped away one day.


I no longer pity

Them. For they are

The least of our 

Brethren and

So the greatest.


I long for the day,

Though maybe not 

in this 


When they are 

The first.


We will be in the

Audience. Some,

Lucky to be in the 

Back row.


We will be overjoyed

To see them. They,


In this life,

We briefly passed

by without a word.


Indeed we are failing,

The wind railing 

In and out of

The holes in their rags.

It is tragedy. It is

Bound for Victory.


We cannot steal

It from them 

by our hesitancy

To help nor by

Our faulty Activism.


We need to know

Here in this life

The poor will always

Be with us.

And in the next

They will lead us.


Dare to be poor.

In your lonely


In your anquish

In your lowly



Save your gushing 


For January and Feb.

Don’t be a celeb in December.

But one desirous

Of the riches

Of your own poverty.


So, there is room 

For suffering in and out of 

Our Christmas glory.

Let Our suffering

be linen

And lace that outlines

Our humanity


And makes us one 

With the ragged ones

Living under

The bridge.

Poem 19

I wanted to send this very short video of a magnificent wave out to friends with thoughts that it evoked…..




I wish to well up with emotion

Like a great wave

Which leaves my heart in awe,

Which overtakes my senses

With the bliss of helpless wonder.


I wish to rain tears of joy

From that God wave.

I wish waves and tears to drop gently 

On a cold world

And all of the remaining 

Cold and deadened hearts

That live so lonely here!


And if there is such a thing

As really letting go

Or a surrender that is sweet

Or even believing in the all loving

Arms of God


Then I, in this moment,

Pray the blessing to see

Miracles and thus grow conviction

That all will 

One day

Be perfect.


I beg our Father God,

Who is great enough 

To be our mother,

To give me words

Or if it pleases Him

Just a smile

For someone or anyone

Or everyone who

Needs to believe.


I ask only a particle of God

And the power therein. 

I ask that it sparkle in 

Each of us!


I want the thrill of seeing it. 

I want that feeling.

I want intimacy with

The Great I AM such

That I am where I belong

For a second, or two,

Or forever, if you please!


I ask it for you and I.

I ask it for the world

Knowing He will give it 

To us all.

Poem 3

The Dance

I forget

You remember.

I fall

You lift me up.

I mess up

You clean up.

I get angry

You smile.

I doubt

You give me faith.

I punish

You forgive.

I squawk

You create music.

I agitate

You calm.

I sin

You perfect.

I freeze at evil

You melt evil.

My sight is short

Yours is long.

I am afraid of the dark

You are the light.

I am getting old

You are ever new.

I judge from a dark corner

You judge from heaven.

Thoughts grind me

You even find me there.

I rush

You are a wave meeting the sand.

I hate me when I fail

You love me even then.

I hide

You uncover.

I fear

You vanish my fears.

I grunt

You give me music.

I waste and squander

You rescue and renew.



Poem 6

Prayer is……


Praise for the ONE who

     Holds all

     Cares for all

     Knows all

     Times all 

     Releases all

     Heals all

     Teaches through time

     Brings all to completion

     Recovers all


     Knew our prayer before we did

     Has a perfect plan to answer our prayer

     And sooo much more

Our praise for the ONE LOVING GOD is the perfect and most powerful expression of prayer. Praise says it all!

Poem 9

Prayer is……


Praise for the ONE who

     Holds all

     Cares for all

     Knows all

     Times all 

     Releases all

     Heals all

     Teaches through time

     Brings all to completion

     Recovers all


     Knew our prayer before we did

     Has a perfect plan to answer our prayer

     And sooo much more

Our praise for the ONE LOVING GOD is the perfect and most powerful expression of prayer. Praise says it all!

Poem 12

Posted this a year ago. Recent events come to mind. The breach of race again threatens our seemingly helpless will.

And I ponder once again our feeble independence from God’s spirit:


We revive old battles 

That are long over. 

Yet they live still among 

the triggers in our mind.


Morality shouts


Wisdom quietly

Whispers “Physician,

Heal thyself”.


Love languishes

Behind our fears

While reason

Willy nilly rattles midst

Our lack of answers.


Have we forgotten

How to believe?

Faith is our lifeline.



That is what others lack,

“Not I” shouts our ego!


Only hope remains.

Hope, which desperately

Needs faith and love

On each arm

To walk.


But we wait 

For the next flurry 

Of disturbing trouble.

Riots to start

Breaking news on 

Which to speculate.


We hide behind our

Political fodder.

It is time to quiet

This nonsense

And listen with

Our spirit.


Then life will

Give us opportunity,

Not for great things.

For small, powerful

Followings of spirit


Which move the willing

Emboldens the meek

Believes God’s power

Gives Him the glory for

What only He can do.


The Sounds of Slowing Down


As I weary of the demands

Clashing in my head,

Unsettlingly settling

In my chest.



Like the prattling


Of a slowing train

Rolling humbly

Into its station,


I tap on

The prayer brakes

Of my soul

As it releases

The promises

I so often forget.


I peek ahead

To that always 

Quiet station.

It is never bustling 



Sometimes I get

Off that train

As it breathes out

Its steam, like

A gasping soul.


Often times

I just sit there

Trying to imagine

The lonely face

Of God.


Who always 

Awaits my visiting.

Poem 14

I don’t know what I think of the fear. 

I have always felt comfortable 

near the edge of “doin right”.


The end of life got my father 

15 years earlier than I am. 

I have watched the vibrant, 

the loving 

and the so much alive 

pass in the blink of an eye.


Do I deserve the more I have?

It’s a silly question. 

I find afraid is 

An imposter.


So I step into silent forces

Each day unawares

Being willing to be surprised

Or calmed

Or satisfied.


Even to whisper

Final words Like

James Dean’s


“We’re not going to

Make it.”


Not even knowing

The mess 

He just made.


I am willing to sleep

In the arms of a God

I cannot comprehend,


I care not about 

My tiny last step.

I have have had

so many

Greater ones.

Poem 15

Prayer is……


Praise for the ONE who

     Holds all

     Cares for all

     Knows all

     Times all 

     Releases all

     Heals all

     Teaches through time

     Brings all to completion

     Recovers all


     Knew our prayer before we did

     Has a perfect plan to answer our prayer

     And sooo much more

Our praise for the ONE LOVING GOD is the perfect and most powerful expression of prayer. Praise says it all!

Poem 17

When You’re Fake


Too much time on how you look

When you could have 

Read a book.


You think of how you’ll sound

Instead of being true.

Desperate to resound.


You wonder if 

You’ll feel their praise

Their applause is 

where You graze.


When you are down

You wear a frown

It looks like empathy

But what you want

Is sympathy.


Time for a showering

Of God’s love

Lathered with the soap

Of your self-worth.


Your face will be lifted

With authentic smiles

So bright.

Now You are getting

It right.


The world

Loves you now!

Poem 20

I don’t know what I think of the fear. 

I have always felt comfortable 

near the edge of “doin right”.


The end of life got my father 

15 years earlier than I am. 

I have watched the vibrant, 

the loving 

and the so much alive 

pass in the blink of an eye.


Do I deserve the more I have?

It’s a silly question. 

I find afraid is 

An imposter.


So I step into silent forces

Each day unawares

Being willing to be surprised

Or calmed

Or satisfied.


Even to whisper

Final words Like

James Dean’s


“We’re not going to

Make it.”


Not even knowing

The mess 

He just made.


I am willing to sleep

In the arms of a God

I cannot comprehend,


I care not about 

My tiny last step.

I have have had

so many

Greater ones.

Poem 21


Let me kiss your tears

Salty as the endless sea

Let me drink your sadness

To make room for

Your future gladness

I only know your heart

Because I love you so

I have seen it brim

With laughter

Glow with joy

Stunned by a new life

In your arms

Let me hold you

In your weakness

Breathe in your air,

The pain you now bear,

Not to squeeze it out

Only to give it rest

In the cradle of my love

To let it be

Til its dying embers come

And they will come

These are moments unwanted

Toward which the love of lovers flow

We would push such moments away

Repel them, forget them

Never forgive them

Except for the love

that flows to us

From other broken hearts.

We never totally heal

But our scars will be become stars

Of remembrance

Of the love that carried us through

Of witness to our survival

Of hope for that dawning day

When all will be well again.