A Prayer For Everything
Let your balm
Bleed forth into
This desperate world
Slowly, to breed hope
Surely, to seed faith
Flowingly, to lift
Us with love
Let me see you deal
With the sorrow
In those you
Will heal
You know the darkness
Of this earth time
You know the desperation.
You command the calibration
It is beyond my estimation
You test my belief
To make it strong
I would like to know your love
In every aspect
Yet what of my respect
For your wisdom?
I will know when
you want me to know
I will eat
Away the time
Knowing you will
Enlighten me
When you are ready
Close in on us with
Endless grace as You
Crush the devastation.
That is this life
Starve us as you may
Lay us low, make us a show
But not without hope
Like the glimmer of rainbow
Make my mind as of steel
To take every thought captive
To know that I know that I know
That you are the God Who is
Above my meager thoughts
Show me my smaliness
As though I am
A mere atom
Trying to understand You
Be my God
Be Abba to Me
Lead me
Headlong into an endless
Eternity of grace
Be the Savior of
All and not just a few
Show me the blindness
That made You so small
That made me a puddle of fear
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Poem 41
Nor was he pretty
Poem 42
Evil doesn't go a way
Poem 43
It has wings