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Let It Be


You are my Mighty Counselor.
Thank You for making it possible for me to discover You.
Thank You for teaching me your ways.
Thank You for teaching me to find joy in the waiting.
Thank You for showing me how not to fear my fears so much.

Thank You for spending time with me.
Thank You for showing me that everything is going to be alright
Thank You for the light you give me at every turnThank You for the light you give me at every turn
Thank You for showing me the quiet spaces of my soul
Thank You adjusting my ways toward health
Thank You for the sadness
Thank You for the little miracles
Thank You for the grand mosaic of my life
Thank You for the incompleteness in my life.
Thank You for unexpected miracles
Thank You for rest
Thank You for the expectation of Your consummation of all things
Thank You for Love that leaks into my life
Thank You for Your grand architecture of my life
Thank You for using my mistakes to create better things
Thank You for fixing everything
Thank You for healing every suffering and loss that ever existed
Thank You for thinking of us before we existed
Thank You for all of the molecules
Thank You for rabbits
Thank You for resurrecting all of the unborn babies

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Poem 38

Goliath Goes To Church
He wasn't smart
Nor was he pretty

Poem 39

Oh, Master Dispenser of Grace!
It is like a wave so high
Yet does not slam us