To take a slower more authentic road
To follow your own bent
To have courage when you are passed by
To smile when the setback comes
To remember God is always there
To find happiness in Memories
To cool your jets and hedge your bets
To smile just because you’re alive
To give your smile away today
To enjoy your path and feel no wrath
To expect a perfect ending
To pray the prayer of the humble
To have the thankfulness of a beggar
To rejoice in the good fortune of others
To always expect love from above
To let it flow through you
To believe love never fails
To believe love is endless
To know the workings of love such that you turn it on wherever you are.
It is never to late.
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Poem 5
Poem about hands trying to find their purpose......
Poem about hands trying to find their purpose......
Patty cake bakery
Baker man!
You use flour
We, only our hands
Baker man!
You use flour
We, only our hands
Poem 6
Morning Prayers
Where am I to go?
What am I To do?
Next Steps??
I am weary
What am I To do?
Next Steps??
I am weary
Poem 7
This 4th of July is disturbing to me. So, I cried. I tried making sense of it all as I found myself:
This 4th of July is disturbing to me. So, I cried. I tried making sense of it all as I found myself:
He tasted sea salt
Somehow feeling nothing
Feet and legs overhead
Noise was awful
Somehow feeling nothing
Feet and legs overhead
Noise was awful