I pray for peace
In my little spot
I pray for peace
A lot.
Peace with siblings
He moves in and out our homes
Peace with trouble makers
Peace with neighbors
Peace with strangers
I can wait for Your peace
When it comes timely
When it comes untimely
When it doesn’t seem
To come at all
Sometimes Your peace
Grows under ground
Like longsuffering bamboo
Taking years to shoot through
Lord, You seem unhurried
Your peace stays buried
No matter how much
I water and feed it
No matter how much
I need it
So I will continue
To pray
Like a dog waiting
At the door
All day
Lugubrious as he be
Faithful may I be
May I rest in peace
While I am still alive
Not waiting til I’m dead
And when I rise
Find my enemies
Are friends even
Before I leave my bed
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Poem 32
The Calm Behind The Music
Listen for the quiet
Calming sounds
Calming sounds
Poem 33
I look yonder with
I look yonder with
Mud in my eye
I have dug my
I have dug my
Poem 34
Grace Amazing
Amazing is your grace
My Spirit is rising,
My Spirit is rising,