He inhabits secret places
He sees the lonely faces
He watches us in ruins
He waits for the right spaces

Through the earth He roams
He moves in and out our homes
Never in a hurry
Letting good and bad flurry
Our lives are such a hurry

We call His name in anger
Then sing his praise
In hallowed halls
Hearing of his miracles
He’s our buddy
Then heading home
Our lives still muddy

Was He there when I
Smoked that cigarette
In fourth grade
The lie about it I told?

Did He see me cry
When I thought I would die
As that car passed by
It just missed me
Falling to the curb?

Why does He wait?
Is He always late?
Why is He still?
I need him so
To make things better
Incognito Man

I can’t find Him
Nor make him appear
I know he is there
Why doesn’t he care
All the lonely people
What is he waiting for?

As a child I felt Him
In the Joy of trees
Waving in the wind
I know He is there

I lost my child vision
Life has become a collision
With unbelief
Science in grief
Without a Savior
He gives us
Wordless knowledge
He is there

Incognito Man!

Poem 34

Praying For Peace
I pray for peace
In my little spot

Poem 35

Picture a great Satellite circling the earth
Scanning For Faith
In its various stages...
Faith's beginning

Poem 36

The Calm Behind The Music
Listen for the quiet
Calming sounds