If God dropped
Out of the sky
Face to Face with
With His most avid denier
Believer that the universe
Was a substitute for You
Nothing personal, God
How free
Would This denier be?
Would he be overwhelmed
At his own insignificance?
Would he know
That he knew
That You were You
By Your very presence.
Would his mind tell him.
He is big or small?
Would he fall down
or stand tall?
Would he think
I feel free!
The master of my fate!
I can choose who You are!
I am Master of Myself!
No, that would be silly
He would fall
Willy nilly
At God’s presence.
How low would he seem
As all men will Be,
Set aside
Embarrased at his
If this finite denier
Were a scientist
Would calculations
be running through his head
Or would he be at the end
Of himself, curling back
On his former Certitude
Seeing the perfect equation of truth?
If he were a person
Of political power
Would he tower
Or would he cower
At God,
The perfect legislator?
If he were at church
On sunday
Or at work on Monday
Would he try
To wiggle and make
His case for your favor?
I think it would not be fun
Would not everyone
Be undone?
What is the meaning
Of our life
Now that it is over
Nothing matters but
What he will say
For the denier
Would be speechless
Hopeless, helpless
Like. a frightened bird
With no flight
Left in Him
Who is Love
Who melts out fear
Bring us near
makes all perfect.
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Poem 22
I feel pain
My ego reigning
Continue the feigning.
Poem 23
No preachers
Preaching hell
Poem 24
A quiet inquisitiveness
And erase
The chatter in my mind