I forget
You remember,
I fall
You lift me up.
I mess up
You clean up.
I get angry
You smile.
I doubt
You give me faith.
I punish
You forgive.
I squawk
You create music.
I agitate
You calm.
I sin
You perfect.
I freeze at evil
You melt evil.
My sight is short
Yours is long.
I am afraid of the dark
You are the light.
I am getting old
You are ever new.
I judge from a dark corner
You judge from heaven.
Thoughts grind me
You even find me there.
I rush
You are a wave meeting the sand.
I hate me when I fail
You love me even then.
I hide
You uncover.
I fear
You vanish my fears.
I grunt
You give me music.
I waste and squander
You rescue and renew.
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Poem 5
Poem about hands trying to find their purpose......
Poem about hands trying to find their purpose......
Patty cake bakery
Baker man!
You use flour
We, only our hands
Baker man!
You use flour
We, only our hands