Let me kiss your tears
Salty as the endless sea
Let me drink your sadness
To make room for
Your future gladness
I only know your heart
Because I love you so
I have seen it brim
With laughter
Glow with joy
Stunned by a new life
In your arms
Let me hold you
In your weakness
Breathe in your air,
The pain you now bear,
Not to squeeze it out
Only to give it rest
In the cradle of my love
To let it be
Til its dying embers come
And they will come
These are moments unwanted
Toward which the love of lovers flow
We would push such moments away
Repel them, forget them
Never forgive them
Except for the love
that flows to us
From other broken hearts.
We never totally heal
But our scars will be become stars
Of remembrance
Of the love that carried us through
Of witness to our survival
Of hope for that dawning day
When all will be well again.
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Poem 15
Do not despise If you wish to rise There is a place Where you belong Where you are not wrong To love.......
And the shades of night
Are dark.
Poem 16
It is hard to believe And, therefore.Receive A love so great
Perfects all things.
Making the desires of the heart
Faith is given,
Poem 17
Sadness welcomes a lift For surely it wishes a Return to joy.
For surely it wishes a
Return to joy.