I shouldn’t have taken off
With such Bravado
Fuel is plenty
When you are twenty
Our bombs are dropped away
We have closed the bomb bay
I see the shore line
My engines are not fine
I want to dine
I need some wine
I want to sleep
But the water is deep
I am still a youth
That’s the truth
I still say
I want to live another day
How old should one be to die?
I would rather fly
I need more fuel
Not this duel
With death
If we make it
I will tell my kids
You were a few drops
Of gas away
From never seeing this day
The young have not wisdom
They are driven
By futile forces
Learning to pray
That is what I will say
I prayed that day
That I’d see you today
And teach you to pray
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Poem 2
I forget
You remember
I fall
You lift me up
You remember
I fall
You lift me up