I wish to well up with emotion
Like a great wave
Which leaves my heart in awe,
Which overtakes my senses
With the bliss of helpless wonder.

I wish to rain tears of joy
From that God wave.
I wish waves and tears to drop gently
On a cold world
And all of the remaining
Cold and deadened hearts
That live so lonely here!

And if there is such a thing
As really letting go
Or a surrender that is sweet
Or even believing in the all loving
Arms of God

Then I, in this moment,
Pray the blessing to see
Miracles and thus grow conviction
That all will
One day
Be perfect.

I beg our Father God,
Who is great enough
To be our mother,
To give me words
Or if it pleases Him
Just a smile
For someone or anyone
Or everyone who
Needs to believe.

I ask only a particle of God
And the power therein.
I ask that it sparkle in
Each of us!

I want the thrill of seeing it.
I want that feeling.
I want intimacy with
The Great I AM such
That I am where I belong
For a second, or two,
Or forever, if you please!

I ask it for you and I.
I ask it for the world
Knowing He will give it
To us all.

Poem 14

Add this as well and make sure the inner pages are also working.
Let me kiss your tears
Salty as the endless sea
Let me drink your sadness
To make room for
Your future gladness

Poem 15

Try Not To Hate
Do not despise If you wish to rise There is a place Where you belong Where you are not wrong To love.......
Though the journey is long
And the shades of night
Are dark.