We wish to jump, to fly, to gobble life up with
A passion.
Do not be so foolish.
You are called to make your mark
While you are here.
Not by giant leaps
Not by a walk of
Newsreel greatness. We humans
Must start with
Baby steps.
Mark your steps
Not with the wobbly insecurity of a babe.
Though your steps be small
May they be taken
As a believer.
Believe you have been given
A purpose uniquely suited
To the gifts God has given you.
Though shrouded deep in your soul
Your purpose will become clear
One baby step at a time.
You desire a dance that only you can do.
It is in you. It is in you.
It longs to tell you that you
Need not Fred Astaire, nor any famed one
To teach you your dance.
Take baby steps within the unknown.
Let them be
Simply steps!
Embrace the mystery.
Who purposed your purpose?
Who saw the dance that beckons you?
Who saw you in that dance?
Who created it knowing it was yours?
God Himself!
Your steps
Will be met by the artful arms of a creative spirit
Not the scorning eye of a taskmaster.
You are held and balanced.
You are believed in.
Take those tiny steps however small.
Dare not value them lest you undervalue them.
Whatever you think, your imaginings
Cannot express even
A shadow of the true worth
You hold within you.
Again. Do it again. Again now.
And again.
Step by baby
The steps in your mind
Ask to flow in certainty.
They ask you to embody them.
Though not yet perfected
The bold steps of perfection
Will come.
Glide now in your belief
As you take another step.
Though these first steps
May feel frail
They are not.
They are your belief in action.
They are your eternal hope for a real life.
They are your love longing to kiss life itself.
Stay a believer in the small steps!
Take one and then another.
Put away past fears.
See now that fear is a robber and a thief.
Live no longer one giant step from a miracle.
Embrace your small steps in anticipation.
You know in your heart of
A longing for your dance among the stars.
Now live it!
Not in gulps
One baby step at a time!
Feedback Form

Poem 12
I wanted to send this very short video of a magnificent wave out to friends with thoughts that it evoked.....
Which leaves my heart in awe
Which overtakes my senses
With the bliss of helpless wonder
Poem 14
Add this as well and make sure the inner pages are also working.
Salty as the endless sea
Let me drink your sadness
To make room for
Your future gladness