Too much time on how you look
When you could have
Read a book.
You think of how you’ll sound
Instead of being true.
Desperate to resound.
You wonder if
You’ll feel their praise
Their applause is
where You graze.
When you are down
You wear a frown
It looks like empathy
But what you want
Is sympathy.
Time for a showering
Of God’s love
Lathered with the soap
Of your self-worth.
Your face will be lifted
With authentic smiles
So bright.
Now You are getting
It right.
The world
Loves you now!
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Poem 12
I wanted to send this very short video of a magnificent wave out to friends with thoughts that it evoked.....
I wanted to send this very short video of a magnificent wave out to friends with thoughts that it evoked.....
I wish to well up with emotion Like a great wave
Which leaves my heart in awe
Which overtakes my senses
With the bliss of helpless wonder
Which leaves my heart in awe
Which overtakes my senses
With the bliss of helpless wonder