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Sounds of Christmas are
Ringing now. Singing now.

Bright lights in a row
Define our villages.
Glittering trees on
The hill for all to see.

A time of best dress
And foot forward
The best one
Of course.

I do not oppose
The Joy but I wonder
If we have stolen it.
No, we are but a precursor.

Under a bridge
Near icy waters
The steely wind blows
Freezing them.

Across our towns
And villages
Hidden like ghosts
They Fleet,
The flotsam
And jetsam, our
Extended family.

Nary one of us
Dare to go there
With our Christmas
Hells bells.

Our bells are Hells bells
To them.
Their Christmas
Delight does not toll
For them. with them.

The forlorn
Who know not how
To read the notes
Of Christmas joy
nor feel them.

To them our Joy
Is an unknown
Or forgotten
Ripped away one day.

I no longer pity
Them. For they are
The least of our
Brethren and
So the greatest.

I long for the day,
Though maybe not
in this
When they are
The first.

We will be in the
Audience. Some,
Lucky to be in the
Back row.

We will be overjoyed
To see them. They,
In this life,
We briefly passed
by without a word.

Indeed we are failing,
The wind railing
In and out of
The holes in their rags.
It is tragedy. It is
Bound for Victory.

We cannot steal
It from them
by our hesitancy
To help nor by
Our faulty Activism.

We need to know
Here in this life
The poor will always
Be with us.
And in the next
They will lead us.

Dare to be poor.
In your lonely
In your anquish
In your lowly

Save your gushing
For January and Feb.
Don’t be a celeb in December.
But one desirous
Of the riches
Of your own poverty.

So, there is room
For suffering in and out of
Our Christmas glory.
Let Our suffering
be linen
And lace that outlines
Our humanity

And makes us one
With the ragged ones
Living under
The bridge.

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