It is like a wave so high
Yet does not slam us
Into the sand
It almost tickles
It sets us in a state of joy
When we are in a painful way
As we stray from the hope of
That great come and get it day
Like good news
In today’s paper or
A great golf shot
Leaving us to wonder
How we pulled it off
Like a State Trooper
Walking away from our car
With no ticket in hand
And our numb, tingling
Vacuum of joy
It is that feeling
From nowhere
We didn’t ask for
Or deserve
Like a seat left
For us in reserve
It is like a complement
Or look that says
We’re pretty
Like a shock
We hope is
Not a crock
It is an unexpected joy
That when it comes
Opens our eyes
To the beautiful things
In our view
God knows what to do
At times when we are blue
He is the master dispenser
Of Grace to me and you
Poem 2
I forget
You remember
I fall
You lift me up
You remember
I fall
You lift me up